Thursday, 7 February 2013

El uno en el que todos se vuelvan 30

So, you are wondering what the title means. Well , it means "the one where they all turn 30'.Rings a bell right all ya 'FRIENDS' fans out there.The episode begins with everybody but Rachel  standing outside Rachel's bedroom asking her to come out to get her birthday presents.She comes out and asks ,"Can I keep the presents and still be 29?"

The first time I watched that episode, I was still a kid.Now, as I am on the wrong side of 25, hurtling towards 'The BIG three O' with the speed of light ,I truelly understand her agony.But ,what is so attractive about the twenties ? The skin tone ? The carefree life ? Or may be it is just the lure of the youth . I don't know ! I am out of my depths here. 

Well , I can say for myself that I have a backlog of tasks I want to finish before I turn 30. I don't know I will be able to get through all of them or not, but hey! nobody is stopping anyone from     trying. Well, 30s or no 30s , time sure takes away a load of things away from us. Remember how easy it was for us to make friends when we were kids ? Remember how easy it was to fall in love when we were teenagers?Remember how easy it was to trust someone when we had yet not been hurt ?  

Yes , each passing day brings a baggage in the upcoming one. Seems so silly sometimes that when we were kids ,we couldn't wait to grow up. Every kid imagines the grown up days when there would be no adult supervision.But dreams are naive when you are a kid. The lack of adult supervision translates to unlimited candy !!

Yeah... life is not caramel coated. Yes , getting old sure is not optional. But somebody told me a secret once  'only the body gets old'. What a delightful thought !I sure am not exactly the same person I was 5 years back. But I don't feel a day old than what I was back then.

And then there is growing up and growing old. Growing old is inevitable but growing up is a choice. 
It sure is possible to cling to the last traces of your childhood  through baby talk and silly lip movements. But it is a hell lot sexier to gracefully imbibe the wisdom aquired over the years and project an air of serenity. It does not mean to get rid of your playfulness  and naiveity but to seamlessly blend all of them into your confident self. For there is nothing more sexier than a woman who is confident in herself , doesn't matter then she is 22 or 78 !!



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